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Hunting is Conservation at 2017 DSC Show, Jan. 5-8

For the tens of thousands of hunters converging at the DSC show in Dallas this...

Hunting Shapes Lives in Positive Ways

This hunter’s quest for a particular B&C buck spanned multiple hunting seasons that created a...

Why It's a Great Time to Be An American Hunter

As if there were any doubt, 2016 is a great time to be a hunter...

Conservation vs. Preservation: What's the Difference?

Though the two terms appear closely linked, conservation ensures the proper use of nature while...

Bonding in the High Country

A father-son wilderness hunt offers up life lessons that go far beyond learning how to...

Hunter and Hounds Track and Kill Cougar After Attack

A 4-year-old was saved from the jaws of a mountain lion—and then this tale’s unsung...

NRA Helps to Put Right to Hunt on Indiana Ballot

Hoosier State hunters can secure their hunting rights by voting for the NRA-backed Right to...

The Naturals: Houston Couple Combines Forces to Protect Hunting

When it comes to active NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum members John and Melanie Pepper, the...

For the Love of Freedom: A Tribute to NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Member Robert M. Lee

As we celebrate the life of NRA HLF member Robert M. Lee (Oct. 2, 1927-Jan....

Fellow Hunter Rep. Paul Ryan Elected 54th Speaker of the House

Ever supportive of our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage, avid bowhunter and Wisconsin congressman...

Governor Christie Signs Apprentice Hunting Bill

Youth hunting bill becomes law just in time for the fall hunting season in New...

HLF Member Spotlight: A Family Affair

For Pennsylvania’s Regis and Diane Synan, putting family first extends to their NRA family as...

Shoot, And Shoot More Often

Lessons learned regarding follow-up shots by a PH with a lifetime of experience in Africa...
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