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Hunter-Conservationists Transplant 24 Lions to Mozambique

The move from South Africa to Mozambique recovers a healthy lion population and adds 2.5...

Hunters Set the Rules—and Hold Themselves Accountable

Hunting is often more akin to a religion than a sport, steeped in ethics.

How Do You Spell Conservationist? H-U-N-T-E-R!

Every conversation with a non-hunter is an opportunity to explain why hunting is conservation.

Minnesota’s Game Fair 2018 Sets Stage for Hunting Season

The two-weekend event marks one of America’s oldest hunting festivals.

Taking Aim: Why This Disabled Hunter Is a Voice for 2nd Amendment

Paralyzed after an accidental discharge, the author works to promote personal responsibility and firearm safety...

Hunting’s Dirty Little Secret

We all love shiny new gadgets but hunting’s not all about the gear. So when...

Trouble in Tanzania

The future health of the Selous Ecosystem is in question as ESA policies force hunting...

Purple Heart Recipient Heals through Hunting

Freedom Hunters helps six veterans move past the wounds of war during a hunt at...

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

The Benefits of Apprentice Hunting Licenses

New hunters enjoy the “try-before-you-buy” approach!

Hope For The Warriors Veterans Enjoy Buckmasters Hunt

As Flag Day nears, it seems fitting to highlight a deer hunt honoring veterans who...

Observing Memorial Day

We all-American hunters forever honor those who fought for our freedom and made the ultimate...

Florida Launches Web Page for New Hunters

Following its August 2017 launch of free NRA Online Hunter Education, Florida now offers a...

Falconry Brings the Hunting Heritage to Mainstream Films

Award-winning documentaries on falconry show that whether hunting with a gun, bow or bird, hunting...

Shotgun Suppressors: A Bird Hunter’s New Best Friend

Did you know that rifle hunters aren’t the only ones who can enjoy the health...

Premier NRA Hunters’ Event Opens 2018 NRA Show in Dallas

Hunters stand united at the 4th annual NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner on May 3.

147th Annual NRA Show in Dallas Is a Family Affair, May 4-6

From Ammo Inc. to Z-Clear, the family-friendly NRA convention showcases the latest firearms, ammo, optics...

A Conservation Officer’s View on How Hunters Care

Steeped in safety, ethics and compassion, hunters remain the No. 1 stewards of America’s natural...

Former Skeptic Says Hunting Is Crucial to Conservation

A trip to Africa opened the author’s eyes as she explains why hunters are essential...

Support All Legal Turkey Hunting

Regardless of hunting method or numerous other factors, the collective hunting community must unite and...
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