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Black Death … in More Ways Than One

Once again, we see how hunter-backed operations help to sustain wildlife species.

Hunt 24/7 by Helping to Control Invasive Species

Yearning for deer season? Consider these year-round hunting opportunities.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

Disaster and Deliverance for Antelope Island’s Bighorn Sheep

Here’s how KUIU and hunters partnered to restore the Utah island herd.

Don’t Let the Off-Season Go to Waste

Fill the void and make headway for next season with these 10 tips.

Buyer Beware: Lessons from Online Gun Buying

A few precautions can ensure the gun you buy meets your expectations.

Mountain Goats: A Wilderness Icon On the Way Out?

Here's how the species' story has come up against its own success.

Birds of a Feather: Hunter-Led Conservation Ensured a Future for America’s Iconic Swan Species

Hunting groups worked to stabilize tundra swan populations and restore the trumpeter swan.

Silver Lining 2020: Increased Funding for Conservation and Outdoor Pursuits

Record firearm and ammo sales mean more conservation efforts through Pittman-Robertson funding.

State Wildlife Agencies’ Hunt Raffles Support Wildlife and Habitat

These creative fundraising initiatives aid wildlife while creating more hunting opportunities.

How to Access Hunting Opportunities on U.S. Military Bases

Much of the land owned by our armed forces is available for public hunting.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.