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Proposed Cat Hunting Ban to Be Added to Colorado’s 2024 General Election Ballot

The state says anti-hunters gathered enough signatures to put it to a vote.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

Colorado Ballot Initiative Would Ban Mountain Lion Hunting

A ballot measure is scheduled for a review and public comment hearing on Oct. 6.

Colorado’s Expanding Predator Populations Creating Pressure on Deer

A pack of lions just crossed a Denver driveway.

A Bobcat for Mama

The author’s hunt stirred thoughts of his mother, who passed away that very day.

Colorado Bill to Ban Cat Hunting and Trapping set for Thursday Hearing

It would be illegal to hunt or trap any cat unless protecting humans or livestock.

Hunter Alert: Submit Comments to AZ Fish and Game by Jan. 30 to Derail Cat and Bear Hunting Ban

Make no mistake: The extremists who were defeated in 2017 are still at it.

Article Calls Out Danger of Anti-Hunters Loving Animals to Death

Expose those who push emotion over the truth about hunting.

Animal Rightists’ “Stupid Humans” Comment on Social Media Falls Flat

Despite what extremists post on social media, it’s thanks to “stupid humans” that wildlife thrives.

State Wildlife Agencies’ Hunt Raffles Support Wildlife and Habitat

These creative fundraising initiatives aid wildlife while creating more hunting opportunities.

Taking Grizzlies from Field to Table?

With grizzly bear delisting again making headlines, don’t overlook how the meat can be tasty.

Woman Attacked by Mountain Lion in Colorado RV Park

Despite increased human-cat encounters, the state has failed to implement predator control.

How Long before Cougars Realize Humans Are Prey?

Are increasing cougar attacks on humans due to the fact that we are low-hanging fruit?

Animals Still Die When Hunting Is Banned

Here is why legal, regulated hunting is the key to managing game populations.

Mentored Hunter Now Gives Thanks by Paying It Forward

A young hunter’s pursuit of a mountain lion leads to life lessons along the way.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

Famed Klineburger Brothers Receive Lifetime Achievement Award   

WWII veteran and international hunter-conservationist Chris Klineburger defines the term “hunting pioneer.”

No Cat Hunting in British Columbia?

The same group that got grizzly hunting banned is now going after the cats.

Pride of Mountain Lions Prowls Colorado Community

Colorado has so many mountain lions that they roam in prides.
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