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Buyer Beware When Stumbling across ‘World’s Best Binoculars Revealed!’

Verify your Internet source as even the inexperienced start blogs in three easy steps.

Gearing Up for the Hunt May Mean Gearing Down the Pack List

Don’t let “gearitis” weigh you down. Know when enough gear is enough.

Animal Rightists’ “Stupid Humans” Comment on Social Media Falls Flat

Despite what extremists post on social media, it’s thanks to “stupid humans” that wildlife thrives.

Is 21st-Century Hunting More Exciting than in the Past?

A firearms catalog gets the author considering why we anticipate hunting season year after year.

Don’t Confuse the Meaning of Hunting

Misuse of the word hunting in place of poaching or market slaughter taints legal hunting.

Imprisoned in Suburbia and Homesick for Wilderness

Connecting with nature underscores that we are a part of—not apart from—the natural world.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

How I Ate Deer Tag Soup and Loved It

Hunting, not killing, is the message as a hunter stalks mule deer with family members.

Identifying a Functional Hunting Scope for Less Money

Matching a scope to a rifle and hunting style costs less than newcomers may think.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

The Hunt Should Be Part of Hunting

With today’s posh lodges and high-tech tools, don't give up the real adventure.

Polar Bears Lose Fear of Humans as They Overtake a Russian Village

Declared a state of emergency, a Russian town is terrorized by the Arctic beasts.

Why It’s Prime Time to Gear Up for Coyotes

Overrun by coyotes? Here’s what you need to know to prep for your hunt.

Sport Hunting Defined

Promoting cultural acceptance of legal, regulated hunting starts with telling our story.

When It’s Okay to Be a Selfish Hunter

While mentoring new hunters, set aside time also to relish your own connection to nature.

Youth Hunting Camp Promotes Fun and Adventure

Exposing kids to hunting delivers rewards that hunting mentors can’t foresee.

Why We Hunt Big Predators

Author Ron Spomer takes on the question the collective hunting community is so often asked...

Hunters Set the Rules—and Hold Themselves Accountable

Hunting is often more akin to a religion than a sport, steeped in ethics.

When Hunting Debates Pit Morals against Biology

If maintaining sustainable populations of all game species is the goal, isn’t the managed hunting...

Hunting’s Dirty Little Secret

We all love shiny new gadgets but hunting’s not all about the gear. So when...
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