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Biden-Harris Administration Cuts Off Access to Federal Lands, Aims to Ban Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

Its plan hinders hunters and target shooters and their conservation funding efforts.

NRA-Sponsored SCI Diana Award Presented to Siri Campbell-Fossel at SCI Show

She credits SCI for giving her an understanding of hunting’s role in conservation.

Hungary and Beyond: 87-Year-Old Béla Hidvégi’s Journey into Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

Here’s how one hunter continues to make a difference on conservation’s world stage.

USFWS Rule Would Ban Use of Lead Ammo on New Wildlife Refuge Hunting Opportunities

The move ignores wildlife science and poses costly barriers to hunting participation.

NRA Fighting National Refuge Lead Ban in Federal Court

Backing hunters, the NRA aims to thwart the Biden administration’s lead ammo ban plans.

Appeal Filed in Challenge to California’s Anti-Hunting, Anti-Shooting Sports Law

NRA aims to prevent AB 2571 from destroying the state’s hunting heritage.

Veronica Kosich Receives NRA-Sponsored Diana Award at SCI Convention

We applaud our fellow NRA member and accomplished big-game hunter.

NRA-Backed Lawsuit Challenges California Ban on Marketing Firearms for Youth Hunting and Shooting Sports Programs

A high school shooting league is just one group folding to avoid a $25K fine.

Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation Teaches Public School Students a Class in the Outdoors

A unique pro-hunting curriculum is reaching tens of thousands of students annually.

NRA, Partner Groups Oppose Import Ban of Legally Hunted African Game Animals

The ban would harm Africa’s wildlife and rural economies.

Save Your Seat! Tickets Selling Out for the NRA Hunters’ Dinner and Auction in Houston

Join us on the eve of the NRA show for NRA’s annual celebration of hunting.

41 Conservation Partners Urge Feds Not to Settle Extremists’ Lawsuit

Will the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uphold hunter access to wildlife refuge lands?

NRA Files Suit to Dismiss Case Against USFWS and Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA and its partners aim to end a Center for Biological Diversity lawsuit.

We Hunt, We Give: Houston Safari Club Foundation Hunt Expo Tells the Truth about Hunting

Here’s an example of how true conservation groups are made up of hunters.

Momentous Moves: Cabela Family Transplants Wild Cheetahs to Mozambique in 2nd Historic Apex Predator Transport

From African lions to cheetahs, the family continues its quest to conserve.

American Wildlife Conservation Partners Celebrate 20 Years of Conservation Success

The 50-group coalition continues to chart the course to protect wildlife’s future.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunters Must Monitor Public Hunting Policy

Elected officials’ actions and voting patterns impact hunting’s future.

NRA Gives Hunters a Voice in Three Gray Wolf Delisting Lawsuits

NRA and SCI are working to defend hunting and keep wolf numbers in check.

NRA Signs Letter to Governors, Mayors to Keep Hunting Open

A coalition of hunter-backed groups presses government officials to lift hunting bans during the pandemic.

Dick’s Sporting Goods to Yank Hunting Gear from 400-Plus Stores

Will hunters stop buying their other sporting goods from Dick’s?
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