
Listing Leopards as Endangered Could Mean Extinction

The facts show leopards are not endangered—despite what anti-hunters want you to believe.

Hunters' Top 12 Tips for Interacting with State DNRs

Hunting's future depends, in part, on hunters' ability to create partnerships with state wildlife agencies....

Why the Federal Court Upheld Delisting Wyoming Wolves

With populations now recovered, the U.S. Court of Appeals acted on science-based wildlife management on...

PETA Now Says Milk is a Symbol of White Supremacism

It’s the week of April Fools’ Day, but this is no joke as PETA labels...

Number of Hunters Who Hunt Mostly for the Meat Still Grows

Research conducted by Responsive Management shows the proportion of American hunters who say they hunt...

Antis Distort Science & Stats on Lead Poisoning in Fish and Wildlife

When Secretary Zinke overturned the Obama Administration’s lead ammo ban on Mar. 2, the antis...

Take an Adult Squirrel Hunting

Offering ample teachable moments, hunting those agile, tree-dwelling "bushytails” just may be the best way... Contributor Wins Excellence in Craft Award

Tim Flanigan wins prestigious regional outdoor writer award for article “Who Really Cares About...

California Antis Tout “Coexisting” with Urban Coyotes over Public Safety

Once again, animal rights extremists in the Golden State are interfering with science-based wildlife management,...

PETA Slaughtered 1,411 Cats and Dogs in 2016

That’s right: The so-called People for the “Ethical Treatment” of Animals admitted to killing 1,411...

Missouri Bucks Battle to Their Death

A woman on horseback discovers 300-plus inches of whitetail antlers!

Iconic Giant Tusker Poached in Kenya

Poachers caught after killing noted elephant with a poison arrow in an attempt to steal...

Is Tyson Foods Phasing out Meat?

Does the company seek a softer image, or is this its way of placating animal-welfare...

Poachers Kill Rhino in Paris Zoo

The crime marks Europe’s first-ever poaching incident in a zoo.

NRA Fights Lead Ammo Ban Targeting Minnesota Hunters

NRA-backed bill SF 263 aims to block proposed ban.
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