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Wisconsin Hunters Vote No to Deer Season Change, Yes to Bear Season

Sidestepping COVID-19 risks, the state conducted annual meetings with hunters online.

Hunting Shop Owner Witnesses COVID-19 Impacts on Outdoor Sports

Thanks to groups like the NRA, the pandemic marks a resurgence of outdoor pursuits.

What Does New Jersey's Pope-And-Young Record Black Bear Mean?

Harvesting the biggest bruin yet underscores the species’ expansion amid push to end its hunting.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.

New Jersey Hunters May Be Automatically Registered to Vote

The push follows the Garden State’s recent passage of automatic voter registration for motorists.

Hunter Who Survived 9/11 Honored in Mossy Oak Video

The camouflage manufacturer tells Will Jimeno’s story with subtly, skill and respect.

The Long History of Nonresident Hunting Licenses

Hunters ultimately overlook the hurdles of nonresident hunting licenses because our funding saves wildlife.

NRA Hunting Website Contributor Invited To White House gets a front-row seat to the President’s remarks on the environment.

The Irony of Extremists’ Morally Questionable Actions

Despite these five outrageous instances, extremists still call hunters and legal, regulated hunting cruel.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

New Bill Aims to End Almost All U.S. Grizzly Bear Hunting

If passed, science-based hunts would be banned in every state except Alaska.

Minnesota Politicians Sneak Wolf Hunting Ban into Omnibus Bill

"This would be a major shift in policy" for the North Star State.

NRA Contributor Takes on NJ Governor Over Hunting Fee Hikes

The author appeared on Fox News to expose the proposed financial punishment of hunters.

ESPN’s Keith Olbermann Terrorizes Teen Hunter, Forced to Apologize

The sports commentator targets a Mississippi teen for hunting a rare, all-white turkey.

Elephant Stomps Out Poacher but Can’t Kill Illegal Trade is leading the fight against the escalating global poaching crisis.

The Real Reason Behind the Jersey Circus Ban

The animal rights extremist agenda is to eat away at our hunting heritage.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker Wants Everyone to Be Vegan

This particular extremist 2020 presidential candidate aims for a cost-focused “shadow ban” of meat consumption.

New Jersey Black Bear Hunt Ban Upheld on Appeal

A judge’s decision signals sportsmen’s fight is headed to Supreme Court.

Hunters Notch Conservation Victories in Midterm Elections

Big winners—and losers—resulted from Americans’ most recent trip to the ballot box.

Facebook Pulls Democrats’ Shady Ads Suppressing Hunters’ Votes

Following backlash from the NRA and hunters, Facebook yanked North Dakota democrats’ fraudulent ads.
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