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NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox to Speak at SCI Gala on Feb. 3

SCI show attendees won’t want to miss the key note address from NRA-ILA Executive Director...

Taking the Hunter's Message to the Media at SCI Show

Day one of the SCI show in Las Vegas features words to live by as...

SCI Living Legend, 91, Signing Books at SCI Show

Meet international hunting pioneer Chris Klineburger in Las Vegas, Jan. 31-Feb. 4.

SCI Show Sets Stage for “Chasing the Adventure”

SCI has some surprises in store for its 46th annual hunters’ convention in Las Vegas...

Houston Safari Club Picks Peppers at Annual Convention

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum member John Pepper and grandson Tristan receive much deserved recognition during...

Sheep Show Pulls Together Friends in High Places

USFWS Principal Deputy Director Greg Sheehan proves that wild sheep and American hunters have something...

New Year Kicks Off with DSC Show, Jan. 4-7

First up on the 2018 hunting show scene is this week’s annual Dallas Safari Club...

Tips for Increasing Public Land Access

Opportunities can open up quickly if you maximize available resources.

Promoting the Mentoring Stage of Hunting

Mentoring a new hunter is personally rewarding, but it’s also the key to building our...

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

9 Heart-Healthy Ways to Transport Big Game

Getting our elk out of the woods can cause more physical stress than our hearts...

Will Threat of CWD Lead to Deer-Attractant Bans?

As wildlife managers work to prevent the spread of CWD, hunters using deer urine-based scents...

NRA, Sportsmen Honor National Hunting and Fishing Day

Follow the lead of NRA’s Richard Childress this Saturday and celebrate NHFD by introducing someone...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

PETA Busted for Fake Animal Abuse Video

NRA and mainstream American hunters watch PETA hit a new low—even for PETA—with the extremist...

How Hunters Must Handle Crisis Management

Fighting back against anti-hunters starts with knowing how to prepare—and respond.

Will “Last Man Standing” Survive ABC?

Amid backlash against ABC over cancelling its No. 2-rated show—a move fans say is to...

Hunting is Positive Therapy for Military Warriors

These severely injured U.S. military heroes are the first to say how hunting ensured their...

YUDU Outdoors is Making Social Media Great Again

YUDU Outdoors launches a new social media platform designed for friendly and respectful sharing of...

NRA Fights to Save Hunting’s Future at 2017 NRA Show

With lawful hunting under attack, NRA rallies the troops at its NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum...
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