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Lighting the Fire: Introduce a Newcomer to Hunting This Turkey Season

Give back by helping others to experience the excitement of calling in a gobbling tom.

African Hunt Shows How Taking the Oldest Animals Sustains Viable Populations

With no fat, no muscle and teeth worn to stubs, the bushbuck wouldn’t survive winter.

A Bobcat for Mama

The author’s hunt stirred thoughts of his mother, who passed away that very day.

A Hunter’s Horn for Katie

A deer hunt with Dad spurs a former vegetarian’s quest to be a hunter.

Teach Your Children Well: How Hunting Prepares You for Life’s Challenges

A first hunt teaches self-reliance and instills confidence and perseverance.

Trained Scent Hounds Nabbing Poachers to Protect South Africa’s Rhino

In Africa’s Kruger Park, man’s best friend is now a poacher’s worst enemy.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

Don’t Confuse the Meaning of Hunting

Misuse of the word hunting in place of poaching or market slaughter taints legal hunting.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

South African Nations Threaten to Leave Global Conservation Treaty

Its preservationist attitude may tear the landmark conservation agreement apart.

The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

“Trophy” Is Not a Four-Letter Word

A “trophy” is the memory of the experience and of those with whom you hunted.

CBS News Tells the True Story of Trophy Hunting

A CBS documentary touts the benefits of hunters’ role in Zimbabwe.

Botswana Lifts Hunting Ban

Elephants’ economic value to rural populations is now recognized in the African nation.

Elephant Stomps Out Poacher but Can’t Kill Illegal Trade is leading the fight against the escalating global poaching crisis.

Meet General George Armstrong Custer the Hunter

Who knew General Custer—killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn on this very date—was an...

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

Preservation Is Not Conservation

Contrary to popular belief, conservation and preservation are not interchangeable terms.

How Hunting Imparts Life Lessons

New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to reflect on what hunting brings to our...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...
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