
Your search for wild hog matched article(s).
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My Journey Into Hunting

The author credits hunting with instilling a sense of pride and enhancing family ties.

Hogapalooza! Louisiana Hunters for the Hungry Program Aims to Ease Feral Swine Bomb

Cutting hog numbers while helping those less fortunate is a win-win for all.

Feral “Swine Bomb” Explodes Across Louisiana

A study shows the state’s 1.2 million feral hogs cause $91 million in annual damages.

Hunt 24/7 by Helping to Control Invasive Species

Yearning for deer season? Consider these year-round hunting opportunities.

Texas Hunters and Researchers Keep Sights Set on Feral Hog Control

Hunters can trim hog populations and put food on the grill this Memorial Day.

Hog Wild: A Hunter’s View of America’s Feral Swine Invasion

Wild hogs now cost the nation billions annually in damages and population control.

MLB and NFL Standouts Stand Up for Hunting at SCI Show

David Wells, Brad Penny and Adam Vinatieri share their love of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Controlling Feral Hogs with a Sterilization-Hunting Combo

South Carolina explores wild pig overpopulation and curtailing its economic and ecological damage.

A Father’s Gift is All about Legacy

Opportunities to teach our children America’s core values are endless when you search for them...

Feral Hogs in the ’Burbs: Could Hunters Help?

As wild hogs overrun residential areas in Texas and the Southeast, hunters are the common...

Hogs Running Rampant? Read Wild Hog 101

Helping to address America’s overpopulation of wild pigs also translates to offseason shooting practice, fun...

Texas Man Kills 416-Pound Wild Hog in Backyard

The massive wild hog had wreaked havoc on the man’s property for years.

Newsweek Sides with Hunters

In the face of facts, Newsweek sees the pro-hunting light.

Are Texas’ Wild Hogs “Kaput” Following Approval of Pesticide?

Is the Lone Star state headed for a hog apocalypse now that it just approved...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

Exploding Feral Hog Population Harming Other Wildlife Species

Though studies confirm feral hogs continue to destroy habitat to the detriment of other wildlife...

Missouri’s Plan to Control Feral Hogs Doesn’t Include Hunters

The state's proposed changes could ban hog hunting on 2.5 million acres of public land.