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African Lions Benefit from Hunting

An African PH explains why sustainable lion hunting is the key to the species' future.

Families Afield Means More Hunters Afield

The NRA-backed cooperative effort known as Families Afield has translated into 1 million new hunters...

Hunters with Special Circumstances: Five Groups Providing Assistance

American hunters and anglers may not be aware of the many programs that various sporting...

American Hunter Targets Mozambique's Man-Eating Crocs

In Mozambique where crocs kill multiple humans each week, one Alabama hunter makes crocodile management...

Explaining the Other Side of Hunting

Know any non-hunters? Then make them understand it is our very bond with nature that...

Arby’s New Venison Sandwiches Sell Out in One Day!

Arby’s new pro-hunting ad campaign is a hit as hunters and non-hunters alike pack participating...

Private Armies Enlist in South Africa’s Rhino Poaching War

Does the rhino’s ultimate survival require privately-trained protection?

Feds Paying Sharpshooters to Cull Deer at Maryland Battlefields

Passing on the hunting tradition includes teaching about threats to hunting’s future as feds opt...

If Anti-Hunters Had Compassion, They'd Be Hunters!

Anti-hunters call themselves compassionate despite a blatant disregard for the destructive real-life consequences of their...

Proof that HSUS is Stark Raving Mad

Headlined by Princeton radical Peter Singer, the recent HSUS' "Future of Food" event in Washington,...

Conservation vs. Preservation: What's the Difference?

Though the two terms appear closely linked, conservation ensures the proper use of nature while...

The Role of the Hunter and the Gun in Wildlife Conservation

Without the American hunter and his gun, wildlife conservation simply does not exist.

Is Hawaii Laying Groundwork for Gun Confiscation?

Gun owners and hunters can forget Hawaii’s “Aloha spirit” as the Aloha State ditches peace...

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...

Seeing the Light: Shares Pro-Hunting Video

In this documentary, a vegetarian-turned-meat-eater shares the two big lessons she learned along the way:...

HSUS or PETA: Which Anti-Hunting Extremist Organization is Worse?

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the People for the Ethical Treatment...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...

Who Really Cares About Conservation?

Hunters pay for conservation while anti-hunting extremists raise funds for emotional appeals that obfuscate facts.

Dispelling the Myth about No Hunting on National Parks

Many hunters believe that hunting is banned on all national parks, but the truth is,...

Exploding Feral Hog Population Harming Other Wildlife Species

Though studies confirm feral hogs continue to destroy habitat to the detriment of other wildlife...
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