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Voice of Leadership: How Wildlife Restoration is Funded in America

There is a direct link between hunters and wildlife conservation resources.

Illinois Game Warden Says R3 Efforts Can Recruit More Conservation Officers

America’s natural wildlife resources need future generations to manage, conserve and protect them.

NRA and Worldwide Trophy Adventures Help Hunters Ride out Pandemic

NRA Affinity partner WTA is helping hunters go afield here at home this fall. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

Vegan-Turned-Hunter Shares Why Hunting Ensures Conservation

Here’s why this former anti-hunter now advocates for the sustainable use of wildlife.

Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Sharing why we hunt aids the R3 movement and fosters cultural acceptance of hunting.

Hunting is a Matter of National Security

There is a clear crossover in skill sets required for hunting and military service.

Hunting with Type 1 Diabetes

Diagnosed at age 20, this Distinguished Rifleman Badge holder urges others to pursue their dreams.

Wyoming First Lady Teams with Hunters to Fight Hunger

Jennie Gordon and her state wildlife agency will auction a second Commissioner’s tag July 10.

Priceless Lessons Learned during the Pandemic

Passing on the hunting tradition to a grandchild strengthens bonds and provides immeasurable rewards.

NRA Weighs in on UK Push to Ban Hunting Imports and Exports

NRA and other groups sign a joint letter explaining hunters’ dollars pay for conservation.

Overcoming Fear of Heights Can Be a Bear

Now a treestand hunter, here’s how a new bear hunter conquered her fear of heights.

NRA Lauds DOI’s Historic Push to Open 2.3 Million Acres to Hunting

Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s proposal to add to sportsmen's mix marks historic expansion.

NRA Among Groups Urging Governors Not to Cancel Spring Hunts

Hunter organizations write governors to keep public lands open while still meeting CDC guidelines.

Interior Secretary Pledges Commitment to Sportsmen at Hunting Expo

As one of us, DOI Secretary David Bernhardt is making sportsmen’s priorities his own.

NRA’s Susan Hayes Wins SCI Diana Award

Amid family and business demands, this world-class hunter is committed to advancing hunting.

Trump Jr. Shines at SCI Show, Raises $340K for Conservation

NRA and SCI members gave a standing ovation to the hunter who rallied the troops.

MLB and NFL Standouts Stand Up for Hunting at SCI Show

David Wells, Brad Penny and Adam Vinatieri share their love of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Majesty Outdoors’ Tide Changers Program Mentors at-Risk Youth

The group’s SCI show seminar promotes providing hope and mentoring through traditional outdoor sports.

Hunters Urged to Seize Control of the Narrative at SCI Show

From SCI to the NRA, hunter-backed wildlife conservation groups must seize control of hunting's story.
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