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Virtual R3 Forum Advances Future of Hunting and Shooting Sports

Here’s the latest update in efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters and shooters.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.

Voice of Leadership Panel: Why Does R3 Matter?

Mentoring is rewarding and pays dividends toward wildlife conservation.

Illinois Game Warden Says R3 Efforts Can Recruit More Conservation Officers

America’s natural wildlife resources need future generations to manage, conserve and protect them. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

45 Million Hunters and Anglers Bypassing Hollywood with the Film “The Harvest”

Can it boost hunting the way 1992’s “A River Runs Through It” boosted fly fishing?

Patriot Ordnance Factory Founder Frank DeSomma Dies in Auto Accident

The NRA honors DeSomma’s support for American freedom and leadership in the firearms industry.

Hunters Support Medical Facility at Sporting Clays Event

Georgia hunters are tapping into the fun of competitive shooting to support their community.

Are We Telling Non-Hunters the Right Story?

When someone asks why you hunt, what do you tell them?

Wisconsin Hunters Vote No to Deer Season Change, Yes to Bear Season

Sidestepping COVID-19 risks, the state conducted annual meetings with hunters online.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Mentor Sparks a Lifetime of Hunting Passion

Thanks to a hunting mentor, the author now refers to spring fever as turkey season.

NRA Signs Letter to Governors, Mayors to Keep Hunting Open

A coalition of hunter-backed groups presses government officials to lift hunting bans during the pandemic.

NRA’s Susan Hayes Wins SCI Diana Award

Amid family and business demands, this world-class hunter is committed to advancing hunting.

Tracked By a Cougar

Imagine the feeling when cougar tracks begin to mingle with yours in the fresh-fallen snow.

Trump Jr. Shines at SCI Show, Raises $340K for Conservation

NRA and SCI members gave a standing ovation to the hunter who rallied the troops.

Shooting Clubs Benefit from NRA Club Connection Magazine

NRA-affiliated clubs and associations can apply for NRA grants and get range advice.

Benelli Releases Wolf on SHOT Show Floor in Las Vegas

Of course, that’s wolf as in “Lupo”—Benelli’s first-ever rifle—that’s making hunting headlines this week.

Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture Host Fireside Chat

The gathering shed light on the Trump administration’s progress in expanding opportunities for hunters.

Legislation in Virginia Could Derail Hunting and Conservation

The NRA and like-minded sportsmen's groups are fighting to stop Virginia's anti-hunting bills.
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