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Partners in Battle: SCI Invites NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum to SCI Convention to Rally Troops for Cultural War on Hunting

NRA and SCI members and hunters across America are in this fight together as NRA...

New NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Social Media Campaign Gains Traction at SCI Convention

As news of the NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Web portal on spreads at the...

Elephant Poachers in Tanzania Murder British Pilot Who Was Fighting to Bring Them to Justice

According to USA Today and worldwide social media posts, elephant poachers in Tanzania have killed...

Landmark Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act Passes out of Committee and Heads for Senate Floor Vote

Passing S. 659 out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Jan. 20...

South Africa Court Upholds Decision to Legalize Domestic Sales of Rhinoceros Horn in Effort to Curb Poaching

As rhinos continue to be slaughtered for their horns, can the recent controversial decision to...

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Throws Social Media Punch for American Hunters

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum, in collaboration with NRA Publications and American Hunter, announces a...

Greater Sage Grouse to Remain Off Endangered Species List

Thanks to the largest land conservation effort in American history, the United Sates Fish and...

Cabela’s Founders Receive Inaugural NRA Distinguished Hunters Leadership Award

In recognition of their efforts, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) honored the founders of...

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum National Symposium Showcases Political Action in Defense of Hunting's Future

Promoting a broader awareness of NRA’s activities on behalf of hunters, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership...

NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox Addresses NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Symposium

As NRA-ILA Executive Director, Chris Cox lays it on the line for hunters: “Hunting has...

NRA-ILA Takes Action on the Ivory Issue

NRA has hunters’ backs as it monitors the status of recently proposed measures restricting the...

Women’s Wildlife Conservation Management Scholarship

The Women's Policies Committee of the National Rifle Association offers a renewable, one-year $1,000 scholarship....

First Light: The North American Model Of Wildlife Conservation

Did you know it was hunters who launched the most successful wildlife management program worldwide?

New York Anti-Hunting Bill Defeated

The NRA recently led the charge to defeat New York Senate Bill 4686, an anti-hunting...

Crushing Ivory: (Hopefully) Not Our Best Warfare

One hunter has some choice words for those who think crushing ivory in Times Square...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Crushes More Than a Ton of Confiscated Ivory

The U.S. Department of the Interior on June 19 convened in New York City’s Times...

Ground-Breaking Lion Research in Tanzania Begins in August

International lion research project aims to improve accuracy and precision of lion population estimates.

First Bison Calf In 100 Years Born in Alaska Wilderness

The event marks a milestone in a 20-year-old wood bison reintroduction project.

Zambia Lifts Lion and Leopard Hunting Ban

Bringing the U.S. approach to science-based wildlife management to Zambia is the key to conservation...

NRA 2nd VP Richard Childress Throws Support Behind North Carolina Sunday Hunting Bill

N.C. House Bill 640—the Outdoor Heritage Act—gains momentum as Childress cites provisions aimed at enhancing...
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