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Connecticut Rolls Out NRA-Based Whitetail Hunting Clinics

Adding regional specifics to NRA curricula creates tailor-made hunting programs.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

Trump Signs Bill to Improve, Increase Shooting Ranges

Lowered funding requirements over a lengthened utilization period will foster new ranges.

Spec Ops Lessons for Anti-Poaching and Community Conservation

A Marine’s training in evaluating insurgencies provides insight into global anti-poaching operations.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.

Global Anti-Poaching Experts to Speak at NRA Show in Indy

Mark your calendar for Sat., Apr. 27, and the NRA’s free anti-poaching seminar.

Elephant Stomps Out Poacher but Can’t Kill Illegal Trade is leading the fight against the escalating global poaching crisis.

NRA’s Seminar to Address Global Poaching Crisis

Expert panel members will reveal the complexities of the problem worldwide.

Snapshot Wisconsin: Using Citizen Science to Aid Wildlife

Residents help biologists gather information on wildlife species through a trail-camera program.

Use Texas’ 2nd Amendment Model to Recruit Teen Hunters

The state’s model program ensures America’s youth become patriots who vote freedom first.

NRA President Tells Texas Why NRA is Freedom’s Safest Place

North celebrates TSRA’s centennial while sharing why freedom is at stake.

Dog Trainers for 'A Dog's Way Home' Sue PETA for Defamation

PETA falsely claimed the trainers of the movie’s star dog committed animal welfare violations.

Champion Tom Brady's Method Can Extend Hunting Longevity

Training tips from the NFL's greatest quarterback can give you an edge afield.

GAOS Draws Increased Number of Entries in Taxidermy Competition

Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association competition entries will be on displayed through Feb. 6.

Connecticut Hosts Popular Venison Processing Workshops

Learn from a professional meat cutter how to utilize every part of your game animal.

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Year in Review

As we wrap up 2018, here are some of the stories that shaped our year.

Japan to Open Business School for Hunting Industry

Japan needs more hunters as wildlife damages crops, but restrictive gun laws are a hurdle.

Raising Poachers’ Fines Makes These Criminals Think Twice

A retired game warden recommends issuing stiffer penalties to combat poaching.

U.S. Secretary of Interior Zinke to Step Down Dec. 31

The Former Navy SEAL leaves behind a long list of wildlife conservation accomplishments.
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