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My Journey Into Hunting

The author credits hunting with instilling a sense of pride and enhancing family ties.

Get Tickets for the NRA Show’s Annual Celebration of Hunting, April 13

Join S.D. Gov. Kristi Noem and the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum in Indy.

Teach Your Children Well: How Hunting Prepares You for Life’s Challenges

A first hunt teaches self-reliance and instills confidence and perseverance.

Don Jr. and Eric Trump to Headline NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Event at NRA Show

Join us in Houston for the NRA’s annual celebration of hunting.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

Empty Shelves in Meat Sections Bring on Rush of New Hunters

People finally realize meat is not made at the grocery store.

New Beginnings: A First-Year Hunter’s Journey

As his family had done for generations, a father watches his son become a hunter.

Trump Taps First African American to Lead USFWS

Aurelia Skipwith stands to continue the Trump administration’s aim of balanced wildlife management.

The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

Congress Weighs African Experience in Trophy Hunting Debate

The CECIL Act would disrupt the wildlife-driven economies of more than a dozen African nations.

Attack of the Green Iguanas!

It’s open season on the big lizards in Florida as the invasive species expands.

A Hunter’s Duty Includes Leaving the Hunting Legacy Intact

Hunting’s life lessons provide much more than learning to become successful afield.

Meet General George Armstrong Custer the Hunter

Who knew General Custer—killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn on this very date—was an...

Support All Legal Turkey Hunting

Regardless of hunting method or numerous other factors, the collective hunting community must unite and...

Store-Bought Meat: Should We Hunters Change Our Ways?

Steeped in hypocrisy, some anti-hunters plead ignorance as to where their meat and leather comes...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

World-Class Hunter and WWII Vet is SCI Show’s Living Legend

Meet my friend Chris Klineburger, one of the greatest—and most famous—hunter-conservationists of all time!

Fellow Hunter Rep. Paul Ryan Elected 54th Speaker of the House

Ever supportive of our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage, avid bowhunter and Wisconsin congressman...