
Your search for washington department of fish and wildlife matched article(s).
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Washington Is Latest State to Confirm Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer

The state is No. 35 to join the CWD Club and implement a management plan.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

Rep. Newhouse, Area Residents Oppose Plan to Release Grizzlies in Washington State

Public comments shed light on the dangers of being forced to live with the predators.

Washington Governor to Be Sued for Appointing Anti-Hunters to Wildlife Commission

Stacking the commission through biased appointments violates state code.

Washington State’s Anti-Hunting Wildlife Commission Majority Pushes to Overhaul Game Management Plan

Clouded by bias, extremists ignore hunting's role as a common-sense wildlife management tool.

NRA, Hunter-Backed Groups Fight HSUS Push to End California Black Bear Hunt

The coalition promotes wildlife science over the HSUS’ inaccurate claims.

Slashing Science: New Group Aims to Reform Washington State’s Wildlife Management

Washington Wildlife First is pushing preservation over consumption.

First Positive CWD Cases in Idaho Remind Hunters to Take Precautions

Across the West, science shows CWD is most prevalent in mature bucks.

Mountain Goats: A Wilderness Icon On the Way Out?

Here's how the species' story has come up against its own success.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

DOI Signals $160 Million for Wetland Conservation and Refuge Projects

Interior Secretary Bernhardt says sportsmen’s funds will aid bird species continent-wide.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

NRA Lauds DOI’s Historic Push to Open 2.3 Million Acres to Hunting

Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s proposal to add to sportsmen's mix marks historic expansion.

NRA Among Groups Urging Governors Not to Cancel Spring Hunts

Hunter organizations write governors to keep public lands open while still meeting CDC guidelines.

Dick’s Sporting Goods to Yank Hunting Gear from 400-Plus Stores

Will hunters stop buying their other sporting goods from Dick’s?

USFWS Director Pledges to Fight for Sportsmen at Hunters’ Convention

The USFWS’ Aurelia Skipwith stands with hunters in touting common-sense, science-based wildlife management.

NRA 2019: Another Year of Working for American Hunters

This year reported on 10 "wins" that the NRA secured for American hunters.

Celebrate America’s National Wildlife Refuge Week, Oct. 13-19

Enjoy world-class recreation and see the protection of our lands by visiting a wildlife refuge.

NRA Hunting Website Contributor Invited To White House gets a front-row seat to the President’s remarks on the environment.

Just the Facts on Wolves and Coyotes

A recent Washington Post article on the predators serves up yet more fake news.
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