
Your search for whitetail deer hunting matched article(s).
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Happy Birthday, Pittman-Robertson Act: Celebrating 85 Years of American Hunter-Backed Conservation

Would the whitetail deer or turkey have survived if not for hunters’ dollars?

Are You Afraid of “Bambi?”

The Disney film’s distorted image of nature hinders hope for a sustainable world.

Bowfishing for Invasive Fish Species in Alaska—or Anywhere—Keeps Archery Skills Sharp

Here’s Alaska’s take on using sportsmen to manage invasive fish species’ populations.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunter Reactivation is Crucial to the R3 Movement

Where there’s a will, there’s a way to reconnect with the hunting lifestyle.

Ideal Hunts for America’s Millions of New Hunters

For a mentor, hooking newcomers starts with providing a good first experience.

Hunters, Shooters and Anglers Paying a Record $1.5 Billion for Conservation in 2022

The Interior Department says the funding secures wildlife and their habitats.

Voice of Leadership: Recognizing the Hunting Community’s “Meta” Problem

If used correctly, social media can promote the positive story of hunting.

Can You Catch COVID-19 from Deer?

Here is what the science shows.

Explore Your Options: Public vs. Private Land

New to hunting? Select the option that fits your needs.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.

Texas Hunters and Researchers Keep Sights Set on Feral Hog Control

Hunters can trim hog populations and put food on the grill this Memorial Day.

How to Talk about Hunting

A new NRA book teaches hunters to be tactical, practical thinkers and communicators.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

Voice of Leadership: Social Media Bullies Can Stunt Hunter Recruitment

Support of newcomers includes preparing them for peers’ negative comments.

The Citizen Conservation that Saved California Tule Elk

A German immigrant with a cattle empire was the first to conserve the species.

How Hunters Help Native Americans

A hunt on the Crow Creek Reservation shows just how hunters aid the community.

What Are Public-Land Advocates?

Rather than take public-land hunting opportunities for granted, help keep public lands public.

Gearing Up for the Hunt May Mean Gearing Down the Pack List

Don’t let “gearitis” weigh you down. Know when enough gear is enough.

East Coast, Multi-Game “Safaris” Offer Big Bang for the Buck

If COVID-19 put your safari plans on hold, head for the East Coast.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.
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