
Your search for association of fish and wildlife agencies matched article(s).
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USFWS Director Pledges to Fight for Sportsmen at Hunters’ Convention

The USFWS’ Aurelia Skipwith stands with hunters in touting common-sense, science-based wildlife management.

NRA 2019: Another Year of Working for American Hunters

This year reported on 10 "wins" that the NRA secured for American hunters.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.

NRA Offers Nation’s Most Comprehensive Youth Hunter Ed Program

The NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge inspires young hunters on local, state and regional levels.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

Hunters and Shooters Building Bridges with Hollywood contributor and producer kicks off inaugural Hollywood Celebrity Archery Shoot on Nov. 16.

Florida Reaps $70,000 for Conservation by Using Free NRA Course

The Sunshine State takes advantage of matching P-R funds by using online NRA Hunter Ed.

The Economic Impact of Hunting: Significant and Growing!

A government report cites that hunting and trapping generate $6.709 billion—annually.

Study Cites Support of Hunting, Fishing, Shooting, Trapping

Underscoring NRA data, an NSSF study touts positive attitudes on traditional outdoor activities.

Yellowstone Grizzlies Return to Endangered Species Protection

Animal rights extremists’ litigation ensured a court-ordered ESA relisting was not based on science.

Partnerships Propel the R3 Movement Forward

The successes and challenges of collaborative efforts continue to be explored and acted upon.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

USFWS Says Free NRA Hunter Ed Course Counts As P-R Match Dollars

The USFWS’ new policy now allows states to use the course to tap federal grants.

Workshop Teaches How to Successfully Debate Hunting

Tips from America’s No. 1 debate strategist pay dividends in seizing control of the narrative.

Trump Signs Bill to Improve, Increase Shooting Ranges

Lowered funding requirements over a lengthened utilization period will foster new ranges.

Identifying Business Practices That Foster the R3 Movement

Promoting the national R3 movement within the hunting community is the first step.

Can We Fight Zombie Deer?

Congress pushes for funding, scientists push for a cure, yet CWD continues to spread.

President Signs Lands Bill That Protects Hunting Access

Bill’s passage enhances access to hunting and recreational shooting on federal lands.

Use Texas’ 2nd Amendment Model to Recruit Teen Hunters

The state’s model program ensures America’s youth become patriots who vote freedom first.

USFWS, NRA and SCI Appeal Closure of Grizzly Bear Hunt

Groups challenge a federal judge’s ruling to cancel hunts for recovered Yellowstone-area grizzles.
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