
Your search for hunting for food matched article(s).
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Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

NRA Offers New Online Gun Safety Courses Amid COVID-19

Drive-up windows are coming to local gun stores as gun sales hit a fevered pitch.

Green Eggs and Hunt: Examining Hunting’s Role in Nature and Humanity

We’re all hunters at our core as we work to sustain the natural world.

NRA Lauds DOI’s Historic Push to Open 2.3 Million Acres to Hunting

Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s proposal to add to sportsmen's mix marks historic expansion.

NRA Signs Letter to Governors, Mayors to Keep Hunting Open

A coalition of hunter-backed groups presses government officials to lift hunting bans during the pandemic.

NRA Among Groups Urging Governors Not to Cancel Spring Hunts

Hunter organizations write governors to keep public lands open while still meeting CDC guidelines.

Hunting During Coronavirus Crisis Brings Us Back to Basics

The pandemic reminds us that building your hunting skills is the first step to self-sufficiency.

How Much Meat Should You Take from Your Harvests?

The author looks at the ethics and legalities of processing nature’s finest protein.

Tracked By a Cougar

Imagine the feeling when cougar tracks begin to mingle with yours in the fresh-fallen snow.

How Long before Cougars Realize Humans Are Prey?

Are increasing cougar attacks on humans due to the fact that we are low-hanging fruit?

Religions of the World Support Hunting

Most all religions support ethical hunting and honor animals taken through ritual and prayer.

Trinity Oaks: Providing Positive Outdoor Experiences to Those in Need

This Texas-based organization is yet another example of how sportsmen give back to their communities.

Indiana R3 Efforts Creating Hunters, Trappers and Shooters

Three-to-six-month programs ensure engagement while imparting hunter skills.

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Witnessing Nature’s Harshness Firsthand

A hunter’s sadness over a temporarily depleted resource gives way to nature's reality.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

Are Deer Passing Bovine Tuberculosis to Hunters?

With about 2 percent of one Michigan herd infected, contracting TB is unlikely, if careful.

24 Lions: One Year Later

Mozambique’s hunter-funded wildlife conservation wins prove how legal, regulated hunting benefits all.

NRA Employees Celebrate Hunting at Wild Game Luncheon

NRA Hunter Services treated co-workers to a free venison lunch at NRA headquarters.

Broadening Our Tent Means Not Glossing Over the Reality of Death

A recent article shows how honesty and emotion generate credibility that resonates with non-hunters.
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