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Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species.

Connecticut Rolls Out NRA-Based Whitetail Hunting Clinics

Adding regional specifics to NRA curricula creates tailor-made hunting programs.

Animal Rights Thinking Threatens Wildlife Conservation

Yet another misguided report attacking trophy hunting must be exposed.

Letting Africa Lead

Through firsthand accounts, the author reveals why lifting Botswana’s hunting ban will conserve its wildlife.

Botswana Lifts Hunting Ban

Elephants’ economic value to rural populations is now recognized in the African nation.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

Granddaddy’s Guns

A cherished hunting relationship comes full circle as a grandson takes his grandfather afield.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

The Hardest Thing of All to Explain About Hunting

Understanding our role in the cycle of life is part of being a hunter.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Event Kicks Off NRA Show in Indy

American hunters stand united on recruiting hunters into our way of life.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.

Global Anti-Poaching Experts to Speak at NRA Show in Indy

Mark your calendar for Sat., Apr. 27, and the NRA’s free anti-poaching seminar.

Supreme Court Protects Alaska Hunter’s Access to Hunting Lands

An Alaska hunter stands up to the federal bureaucracy and wins a 12-year battle.

ESPN’s Keith Olbermann Terrorizes Teen Hunter, Forced to Apologize

The sports commentator targets a Mississippi teen for hunting a rare, all-white turkey.

Ill Winds Start to Blow at Hunting Trade Shows

Anti-hunting protesters attempt to shame hunters while impeding conservation efforts.

A Hunter’s Duty Includes Leaving the Hunting Legacy Intact

Hunting’s life lessons provide much more than learning to become successful afield.

Use Texas’ 2nd Amendment Model to Recruit Teen Hunters

The state’s model program ensures America’s youth become patriots who vote freedom first.

NRA President Tells Texas Why NRA is Freedom’s Safest Place

North celebrates TSRA’s centennial while sharing why freedom is at stake.

Hunting is Safer Than Golfing, Hiking...

National studies show that the injury rate for hunters is below almost every other sport.
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