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NRA Warns Maine Hunters of State Lawmakers’ Plans to Target Hunting Rights

Anti-hunting measures could hinder the state’s hunting traditions and its economy.

Wyoming Hunter Shares Experience with Feeding the Needy as Gov. Gordon Proclaims Wild Game Meat Donation Month

The move is timed with the NRA’s national celebration of hunters feeding the hungry.

More Consumers Relying on Hunting to Sidestep Rising Food Costs

Inflation is driving Americans to find ways to lower grocery bills.

Alaska Confirms First Case of Rabies in Moose

The first confirmed moose case in all of North America is attributed to a fox.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA HLF’s Year in Review

Here's a look back at 2022 as we continue reporting news from the hunting front.

Federal Subsistence Board Closes Millions of Acres in Alaska to Non-Local Caribou and Moose Hunters

The move impacts residents and nonresidents alike starting in August 2022.

Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

Wyoming First Lady Teams with Hunters to Fight Hunger

Jennie Gordon and her state wildlife agency will auction a second Commissioner’s tag July 10.

Priceless Lessons Learned during the Pandemic

Passing on the hunting tradition to a grandchild strengthens bonds and provides immeasurable rewards.

Is 21st-Century Hunting More Exciting than in the Past?

A firearms catalog gets the author considering why we anticipate hunting season year after year.

Empty Shelves in Meat Sections Bring on Rush of New Hunters

People finally realize meat is not made at the grocery store.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Kicking Bear Enhances Rehabilitating Veteran’s Life

Sometimes, the mentor is the one who finds healing when least expected.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Maine Sees Increase in Female Moose Hunters

Additional big-game hunters could be leveraged to manage the tick-infested population.

When the Hunter Is the Hunted

Vigilance and the right handgun can mean the difference between life and death.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

Supreme Court Protects Alaska Hunter’s Access to Hunting Lands

An Alaska hunter stands up to the federal bureaucracy and wins a 12-year battle.

No Cat Hunting in British Columbia?

The same group that got grizzly hunting banned is now going after the cats.
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