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Voice of Leadership: Trap Predators to Save Turkeys?

Is a decline in trapping why turkey populations are decreasing so significantly?

The Wolf Is a Savior of the Environment?

Not so fast … . This is what the science really reveals.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

Hunter Says “You Are in no Position to Judge Me” to Those Who Eat Meat

Another hunter thwarts attacks on social media and shares why we hunt.

Maine Anti-Hunters Target Hunters with Petitions to Protect Predators

Ditching concerns over public safety, anti-hunters seek to preserve coyotes and bears.

Turn that Safari into a “Stay-fari” This Fall

Cancelling an international hunt due to COVID-19? Focus on a U.S. adventure.

Priceless Lessons Learned during the Pandemic

Passing on the hunting tradition to a grandchild strengthens bonds and provides immeasurable rewards.

NRA HLF Award Winner, Renown Artist and Conservationist John Seery-Lester Passes Away

Seerey-Lester’s remarkable work and achievements live on as we embrace his legacy.

Top Hunting Artist Receives NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Award

John Seerey-Lester’s paintings tell the rich stories of hunting and wildlife conservation.

What Does New Jersey's Pope-And-Young Record Black Bear Mean?

Harvesting the biggest bruin yet underscores the species’ expansion amid push to end its hunting.

Woman Attacked by Mountain Lion in Colorado RV Park

Despite increased human-cat encounters, the state has failed to implement predator control.

How Much Meat Should You Take from Your Harvests?

The author looks at the ethics and legalities of processing nature’s finest protein.

Isle Royale National Park Is Epicenter of Ongoing Wolf-Moose Study

Spanning decades, the study continues to help scientists understand predator-prey relationships.

Tracked By a Cougar

Imagine the feeling when cougar tracks begin to mingle with yours in the fresh-fallen snow.

How Long before Cougars Realize Humans Are Prey?

Are increasing cougar attacks on humans due to the fact that we are low-hanging fruit?

Underscoring the Importance of Fair Chase

Help non-hunters understand that hunting is based on ethics, safety and fair chase.

Trump Taps First African American to Lead USFWS

Aurelia Skipwith stands to continue the Trump administration’s aim of balanced wildlife management.

Witnessing Nature’s Harshness Firsthand

A hunter’s sadness over a temporarily depleted resource gives way to nature's reality.

When to Follow a Wounded Game Animal

Responsibility, experience, good judgment determine how long to wait before tracking a wounded animal.

24 Lions: One Year Later

Mozambique’s hunter-funded wildlife conservation wins prove how legal, regulated hunting benefits all.
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