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Anti-Hunters Vandalize Treestands, Harass Hunters in Wisconsin

As anti-hunting groups praise sabotage and harassment, hunters are warned to watch their backs.

Free Minnesota Youth Hunting Camps Spike Hunter Recruitment

Here’s how one man is making a real difference in recruiting the next generation.

Wolf Released at Michigan National Park to Cull Moose

Overrun with moose, Isle Royale National Park is introducing more of the apex predators.

Maine Sees Increase in Female Moose Hunters

Additional big-game hunters could be leveraged to manage the tick-infested population.

Research Shows Nonhunting Outdoor Enthusiasts Impact Wildlife

Hikers, campers, mountain bikers and the lot send wildlife fleeing.

USFWS Seeks to Delist Whitetail Subspecies in Florida Keys

Despite threats, the recovery of the Key deer is a conservation success story.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Workshop Teaches How to Successfully Debate Hunting

Tips from America’s No. 1 debate strategist pay dividends in seizing control of the narrative.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

The Hardest Thing of All to Explain About Hunting

Understanding our role in the cycle of life is part of being a hunter.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.

The Hunt Should Be Part of Hunting

With today’s posh lodges and high-tech tools, don't give up the real adventure.

ESPN’s Keith Olbermann Terrorizes Teen Hunter, Forced to Apologize

The sports commentator targets a Mississippi teen for hunting a rare, all-white turkey.

The Benefits of Working with Conservation Groups

Volunteering helps keep land open while expanding hunting opportunities.

Six Ways to Portray a Positive Image for Hunting

Who we are when nonhunters are watching—and when they're not—determines how they perceive us.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker Wants Everyone to Be Vegan

This particular extremist 2020 presidential candidate aims for a cost-focused “shadow ban” of meat consumption.

There is No Difference Between 'Trophy Hunting' and Hunting

What constitutes a trophy depends on the individual, and the meat is eaten either way.

Champion Tom Brady's Method Can Extend Hunting Longevity

Training tips from the NFL's greatest quarterback can give you an edge afield.

PETA Traumatizes Kids with Barbecued Dog

More fake news from PETA as it serves up a dog barbecue in Australia.

Youth Hunting Camp Promotes Fun and Adventure

Exposing kids to hunting delivers rewards that hunting mentors can’t foresee.
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