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Voice of Leadership: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Outdoors

The changing face of hunting is creating opportunities to build our ranks.

We Hunt, We Give: Houston Safari Club Foundation Hunt Expo Tells the Truth about Hunting

Here’s an example of how true conservation groups are made up of hunters.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Revisit top stories from 2021 as we work to address threats to hunting’s future.

NRA, Hunter-Backed Groups Urge Senate to Pass $70 Million CWD Research and Management Act

Thank you, American Wildlife Conservation Partners, for pushing H.R. 5608.

Philanthropist Brittany Longoria Wins NRA-Sponsored Diana Award at 50th Annual SCI Convention

Longoria epitomizes grace under fire in standing against animal rights extremists.

Beyond the Bench: Benefits of Using Hearing Protection While Hunting

Did you know a single shot can be enough to cause hearing damage?

Britain Proposes Ban on Importation of African Game Trophies

Here’s how the move would diminish wildlife conservation funding.

House Passes $70 Million Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act

NRA and other sportsmen’s groups applaud the move to fight the fatal disease.

Voice of Leadership: Understanding the New Hunter Experience

How long could you have continued to hunt without ongoing mentoring?

Article Calls Out Danger of Anti-Hunters Loving Animals to Death

Expose those who push emotion over the truth about hunting.

Momentous Moves: Cabela Family Transplants Wild Cheetahs to Mozambique in 2nd Historic Apex Predator Transport

From African lions to cheetahs, the family continues its quest to conserve.

Voice of Leadership: Hunter-led Conservation: The Rise and Benefits of ‘NGOs’

Conservation-minded non-governmental organizations have the freedom to conduct research and advocacy on controversial matters.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

Voice of Leadership: Hunter Education and New Methods We Should Embrace

NRA’s free online hunter education course meets 21st century needs.

Voice of Leadership: Farmers Markets, Land Trusts and the Changing Face of Hunting

Food-based hunter recruitment efforts tie into the consumer demand for local food.

Voice of Leadership: Why Deer Hunters Should Be Concerned about African Trophy Import Bans

Shouldn’t wildlife science guide management decisions around the globe?

Calling All Hunters! Set Sights on the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner Sept. 3

Join the hunting party at the NRA Annual Meetings in Houston.

Oregon’s IP 13 to Criminalize Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry

Oregonians lifestyle and livelihoods hinge on defeating this initiative.

What is 30x30 and How Will It Impact Hunters?

Here’s why the NRA joined the “Hunt Fish 30X30” sportsmen’s coalition.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.
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