
Your search for international union for conservation of nature matched article(s).
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Hunting and Cultural Acceptance: Parallels between the American and European Experience

Hunters in Belgium and Spain join us in enhancing hunting’s public support.

A Bobcat for Mama

The author’s hunt stirred thoughts of his mother, who passed away that very day.

Are You Afraid of “Bambi?”

The Disney film’s distorted image of nature hinders hope for a sustainable world.

NRA, Partner Groups Oppose Import Ban of Legally Hunted African Game Animals

The ban would harm Africa’s wildlife and rural economies.

Momentous Moves: Cabela Family Transplants Wild Cheetahs to Mozambique in 2nd Historic Apex Predator Transport

From African lions to cheetahs, the family continues its quest to conserve.

Why Touting Misinformation about Hunting Is Wrong

An article in thwarts three of anti-hunters’ most popular claims.

How Long before Cougars Realize Humans Are Prey?

Are increasing cougar attacks on humans due to the fact that we are low-hanging fruit?

New Video Shows Value of Hunting to African Wildlife Conservation

A new Property and Environment Research Center video touts hunting’s economic and anti-poaching benefits.

South African Nations Threaten to Leave Global Conservation Treaty

Its preservationist attitude may tear the landmark conservation agreement apart.

The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

New ESA Rules to Engage Private Sector in Species Recovery

The DOI rules set the stage to deliver on the law’s goal of species recovery.

Congress Weighs African Experience in Trophy Hunting Debate

The CECIL Act would disrupt the wildlife-driven economies of more than a dozen African nations.

Animal Rights Thinking Threatens Wildlife Conservation

Yet another misguided report attacking trophy hunting must be exposed.

CBS News Tells the True Story of Trophy Hunting

A CBS documentary touts the benefits of hunters’ role in Zimbabwe.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

Hunting Story Reported ACCURATELY by Mainstream Media

When the fact hunters’ dollars ensure wildlife conservation makes headlines, some see it as news.

Why Hunters Are Critical to Reducing Wildlife Crime

Integrating hunters’ input in policy decisions is America’s key to addressing international wildlife trafficking.

African Group Breaks with Hunters, Aims to Limit Hunting

Beware of groups like the African Wildlife Foundation that claim to speak for wildlife to...

South Carolina to Expand Bear Hunt

In step with NRA-ILA, Myrtle Beach says it needs hunters to help control its black...

Cheetah Numbers Crashing Despite ESA Protections

Will Trump administration policies incorporate the value that Africa’s hunting economy provides to species at...
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