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Examining Hunter Ethics and Morality

Personal morals come into play when considering the role of ethics in legal, regulated hunting.

Hunting, Transplanting Needed to Cut Arizona Bison Population

Grand Canyon park officials say the burgeoning bison population may severely harm the landscape.

Open Assault on Great Britain's Hunting Culture

The Labour Party's Animal Welfare Manifesto seeks to kill all hunting in the United Kingdom.

Two Suspected Rhino Poachers Killed in Botswana

Supported by hunters’ dollars, anti-poaching efforts lead to taking out poachers in the Okavango Delta.

NRA Site Matches Game Meat Donations with Needy

Have a tag to fill but can’t use the meat? Get paired with nearby hungry.

Grasping the Scope of What NRA Does for Hunters

Take advantage of these opportunities as no group does more for hunters than the NRA.

NASCAR Great Jeff Hammond Leads Hunters to Donate Meat

The whir of engines is quieted by hunting and horses for this legendary crew chief.

NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge Expands Regional Events

Thirty-four years in, the NRA YHEC program still leads the way for young hunters.

Congress Weighs African Experience in Trophy Hunting Debate

The CECIL Act would disrupt the wildlife-driven economies of more than a dozen African nations.

Yellowstone Grizzlies Return to Endangered Species Protection

Animal rights extremists’ litigation ensured a court-ordered ESA relisting was not based on science.

When the Hunter Is the Hunted

Vigilance and the right handgun can mean the difference between life and death.

Trump Nominates Aurelia Skipwith to Lead USFWS

The DOI Secretary and groups like the NRA applaud the move as good for conservation.

Ineffective Deer Sterilization Programs Cost Taxpayers Millions

From New York to Michigan, deer vasectomies are money-makers for everyone except the taxpayers.

Attack of the Green Iguanas!

It’s open season on the big lizards in Florida as the invasive species expands.

How Effective Are You as a Hunting Mentor?

A memorable mentor will make the first-time-hunter feel welcomed into the community.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

USFWS Says Free NRA Hunter Ed Course Counts As P-R Match Dollars

The USFWS’ new policy now allows states to use the course to tap federal grants.

The Truth about Sen. Feinstein’s Latest Tweet

As millions of American hunters will attest, AR-style rifles are indeed for hunting.

Connecticut Rolls Out NRA-Based Whitetail Hunting Clinics

Adding regional specifics to NRA curricula creates tailor-made hunting programs.

Animal Rights Thinking Threatens Wildlife Conservation

Yet another misguided report attacking trophy hunting must be exposed.
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