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What Hunters Can Do During Coronavirus Quarantine

Here’s a to-do list for hunters who find they have extra time on their hands.

Top Hunting Artist Receives NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Award

John Seerey-Lester’s paintings tell the rich stories of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Why Hunters Need U.S. Customs Form 4457 When Hunting Abroad

Register your equipment in advance so you pay no duty on it when returning home.

Kicking Bear Enhances Rehabilitating Veteran’s Life

Sometimes, the mentor is the one who finds healing when least expected.

Social Media Brings Together Women New to Hunting

The ability to quickly spread the word makes these all-women hunting events a success.

Are Deer Passing Bovine Tuberculosis to Hunters?

With about 2 percent of one Michigan herd infected, contracting TB is unlikely, if careful.

Women’s Hunting Organizations Taking the Lead

Women are launching their own chapters of groups such as Pheasants Forever.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

The Truth about Sen. Feinstein’s Latest Tweet

As millions of American hunters will attest, AR-style rifles are indeed for hunting. Contributor Wins National Award

Kudos to the website and contributor Phil Phillips for delivering the news on hunting issues.

USFWS Extends Comment Period for Delisting Gray Wolves

Look for anti-hunters to use Yellowstone wolf decline as excuse to not lift ESA protections.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

Global Anti-Poaching Experts to Speak at NRA Show in Indy

Mark your calendar for Sat., Apr. 27, and the NRA’s free anti-poaching seminar.

The Love of a Non-Hunter Shapes a Hunter’s Life and Loss

A Gold-Star Ranger takes his wife hunting—twice—to see the joy on her face.

PETA Traumatizes Kids with Barbecued Dog

More fake news from PETA as it serves up a dog barbecue in Australia.

Rising Archer Called Out for Shooting a Wolf Target

Anti-hunters even bash non-hunters who proclaim the fun of shooting at 3D animal targets.

The Michigan Message: No Hunting, No Conservation Funding

Securing hunting’s future means doing the hard work now.

California City Prepares to Cull Pet-Eating Coyotes

Torrence residents’ call to action addresses the predators’ increasing attacks on children and pets.

Hunters Notch Conservation Victories in Midterm Elections

Big winners—and losers—resulted from Americans’ most recent trip to the ballot box.
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