
Your search for hunters conserve wildlife matched article(s).
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Interior Secretary Announces Historic Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on Public Lands

Opening 2.3 million more acres brings the Trump administration’s total to a record 4-million-plus.

NRA Touts Win for Hunters in 6-Year-Old Court Case over Import Permits

The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the USFWS’ policy underscoring hunting as wildlife management.

DOI Signals $160 Million for Wetland Conservation and Refuge Projects

Interior Secretary Bernhardt says sportsmen’s funds will aid bird species continent-wide.

California Hunting Import Ban Advances to Senate Appropriations Committee

S.B. 1175 blatantly ignores the public health concerns its supporters claim it will address.

California to Vote on Hunting Import Ban of Legally Hunted Wildlife

Set for a hearing on May 26, S.B. 1175 would criminalize possession of 13 species.

NRA Weighs in on UK Push to Ban Hunting Imports and Exports

NRA and other groups sign a joint letter explaining hunters’ dollars pay for conservation.

Delta Waterfowl Initiative Fosters Hunting’s Future

In step with groups like the NRA, Delta Waterfowl’s HunteR3 initiative is producing results.

NSSF Video Shows Sportsmen Contributed $13B to Wildlife Conservation

Watch the video for proof that hunters remain the No. 1 funders of wildlife conservation.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.

Hunters and Shooters Building Bridges with Hollywood contributor and producer kicks off inaugural Hollywood Celebrity Archery Shoot on Nov. 16.

The Economic Impact of Hunting: Significant and Growing!

A government report cites that hunting and trapping generate $6.709 billion—annually.

First Lady and Interior Secretary Promote “Every Kid Outdoors”

The program allows fourth-graders to see America’s national parks and historic sites for free.

NRA Pushes for a “NO” Vote on CECIL Act Today

This could end hunting outside U.S. borders and harm the wildlife-driven economies of African nations.

South African Nations Threaten to Leave Global Conservation Treaty

Its preservationist attitude may tear the landmark conservation agreement apart.

The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

Congress Weighs African Experience in Trophy Hunting Debate

The CECIL Act would disrupt the wildlife-driven economies of more than a dozen African nations.

Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species.

CBS News Tells the True Story of Trophy Hunting

A CBS documentary touts the benefits of hunters’ role in Zimbabwe.

Interior Secretary Seeks to Expand Hunting Opportunities

The NRA-backed proposal would open 1.4 million acres of public lands to hunting.

Hunting Story Reported ACCURATELY by Mainstream Media

When the fact hunters’ dollars ensure wildlife conservation makes headlines, some see it as news.
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