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Voice of Leadership: Social Media Bullies Can Stunt Hunter Recruitment

Support of newcomers includes preparing them for peers’ negative comments.

Buyer Beware: Lessons from Online Gun Buying

A few precautions can ensure the gun you buy meets your expectations.

Passing It On to Daddy’s Little Girl

Through the gift of engagement, a precocious 6-year-old sets sights on hunting.

Voices of Leadership: Millions of New Gun Owners, Now What to Do With Them?

Let's recruit the 8 million new gun owners added in 2020.

Birds of a Feather: Hunter-Led Conservation Ensured a Future for America’s Iconic Swan Species

Hunting groups worked to stabilize tundra swan populations and restore the trumpeter swan.

Voice of Leadership: Tomorrow’s Leaders Should Be Heard Now

A 17-year-old avid shotgunner shares thoughts on capturing hunting's next generation.

How Hunters Help Native Americans

A hunt on the Crow Creek Reservation shows just how hunters aid the community.

What Are Public-Land Advocates?

Rather than take public-land hunting opportunities for granted, help keep public lands public.

Gearing Up for the Hunt May Mean Gearing Down the Pack List

Don’t let “gearitis” weigh you down. Know when enough gear is enough.

East Coast, Multi-Game “Safaris” Offer Big Bang for the Buck

If COVID-19 put your safari plans on hold, head for the East Coast.

Voice of Leadership: Are We Doing Hunter Recruitment Right?

As the hunting population ages, new approaches are needed to bolster our ranks

Voice of Leadership: How Wildlife Restoration is Funded in America

There is a direct link between hunters and wildlife conservation resources.

Environmental Group Honors Hunters in “Stand Up for Sportsmen” Event

The conservation of wildlife and the environment all starts with American hunters.

Hunter Says “You Are in no Position to Judge Me” to Those Who Eat Meat

Another hunter thwarts attacks on social media and shares why we hunt.

California Anti-Hunting S.B. 1175 Set for 1 p.m. Hearing Today

Extremists’ “yea” votes will only harm African wildlife.

Vegan-Turned-Hunter Shares Why Hunting Ensures Conservation

Here’s why this former anti-hunter now advocates for the sustainable use of wildlife.

Hunting Industry’s Voice of Leadership Panel to Debut in September

There is no better time to ensure America’s hunting community remains galvanized and informed.

Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Sharing why we hunt aids the R3 movement and fosters cultural acceptance of hunting.

45 Million Hunters and Anglers Bypassing Hollywood with the Film “The Harvest”

Can it boost hunting the way 1992’s “A River Runs Through It” boosted fly fishing?

Do Non-Hunters Get It?

Here is food for thought as we hunters go about our lives as a part...
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