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Voice of Leadership Panel: Why Does R3 Matter?

Mentoring is rewarding and pays dividends toward wildlife conservation.

New Jersey Governor Targets Hunters in 2021 Budget Proposal

Sly Gov. Murphy blames COVID-19 for proposing fee increases up to 2,000 percent.

Interior Secretary Addresses Conservation Leaders, Launches GAOA Task Force

SOI Bernhardt shares Great American Outdoors Act implementation plans with the AWCP.

Interior Secretary Announces Historic Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on Public Lands

Opening 2.3 million more acres brings the Trump administration’s total to a record 4-million-plus.

California Anti-Hunting S.B. 1175 Set for 1 p.m. Hearing Today

Extremists’ “yea” votes will only harm African wildlife.

President Trump Signs Great American Outdoors Act into Law

President Trump and Interior Secretary Bernhardt marked the milestone at an Aug. 4 signing ceremony.

45 Million Hunters and Anglers Bypassing Hollywood with the Film “The Harvest”

Can it boost hunting the way 1992’s “A River Runs Through It” boosted fly fishing?

Congress Passes Great American Outdoors Act, Heads for President’s Signature

Funds in part will support deferred maintenance projects on federal lands.

Two Major Congressional Bills to Benefit Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

The first bill—the Great American Outdoors Act—may be on the President’s desk this week.

State Wildlife Agencies’ Hunt Raffles Support Wildlife and Habitat

These creative fundraising initiatives aid wildlife while creating more hunting opportunities.

Colorado Hunting/Fishing License Needed to Enter State Wildlife Areas

On July 1, campers and backpackers will pay their share to access state wildlife areas.

DOI Signals $160 Million for Wetland Conservation and Refuge Projects

Interior Secretary Bernhardt says sportsmen’s funds will aid bird species continent-wide.

California Hunting Import Ban Advances to Senate Appropriations Committee

S.B. 1175 blatantly ignores the public health concerns its supporters claim it will address.

Free NRA Hunter Ed Classes Raise $150,000 for State Wildlife Agencies

Taking advantage of dollars and “sense” pays off for state agencies.

California to Vote on Hunting Import Ban of Legally Hunted Wildlife

Set for a hearing on May 26, S.B. 1175 would criminalize possession of 13 species.

NRA Weighs in on UK Push to Ban Hunting Imports and Exports

NRA and other groups sign a joint letter explaining hunters’ dollars pay for conservation.

Don’t Confuse the Meaning of Hunting

Misuse of the word hunting in place of poaching or market slaughter taints legal hunting.

Empty Shelves in Meat Sections Bring on Rush of New Hunters

People finally realize meat is not made at the grocery store.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.
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