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Planning for the NRA Great American Outdoor Show, Feb. 1-9

Headed to the “world’s largest outdoor sports show?” Get the app to maximize your time.

Revisiting the 2018 National R3 Symposium

You, too, can get involved in the effort to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.

Millennials On Safari

When promoting the joys of hunting, an African safari can be the affordable choice.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

Hunting Community Honors Veterans Not Just on Veterans Day

A veteran’s poem pays tribute to those who served and fought for our freedom.

Free Minnesota Youth Hunting Camps Spike Hunter Recruitment

Here’s how one man is making a real difference in recruiting the next generation.

Maine Sees Increase in Female Moose Hunters

Additional big-game hunters could be leveraged to manage the tick-infested population.

The Atlantic Gets It Right: Save Moose by Hunting More

Snow cover cannot be controlled but lowering the population saves calves from death by ticks.

USFWS Seeks to Delist Whitetail Subspecies in Florida Keys

Despite threats, the recovery of the Key deer is a conservation success story.

Understanding Hounds, Hunters and the HSUS

To save legal, regulated hunting, we must take a stand to defend all of it.

Animal Rights Thinking Threatens Wildlife Conservation

Yet another misguided report attacking trophy hunting must be exposed.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool

Visit to stay on top of the hunting issues and share our stories.

Workshop Teaches How to Successfully Debate Hunting

Tips from America’s No. 1 debate strategist pay dividends in seizing control of the narrative.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

Can Women Save Our Hunting Heritage By Themselves?

Females are more likely to pick up hunting, but can that stem the sport's decline?

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Event Kicks Off NRA Show in Indy

American hunters stand united on recruiting hunters into our way of life.

Hunting Story Reported ACCURATELY by Mainstream Media

When the fact hunters’ dollars ensure wildlife conservation makes headlines, some see it as news.
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