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Turkey “Reaping” Safety Tips for Every Turkey Hunter

The NRA urges hunters to take extra safety precautions when using this technique.

Pa. Legislators Recognized for Hard Work on Sunday Hunting

NRA-ILA presents awards to those who led the charge to secure Sunday hunting.

Majesty Outdoors’ Tide Changers Program Mentors at-Risk Youth

The group’s SCI show seminar promotes providing hope and mentoring through traditional outdoor sports.

How Long before Cougars Realize Humans Are Prey?

Are increasing cougar attacks on humans due to the fact that we are low-hanging fruit?

Religions of the World Support Hunting

Most all religions support ethical hunting and honor animals taken through ritual and prayer.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

NRA 2019: Another Year of Working for American Hunters

This year reported on 10 "wins" that the NRA secured for American hunters.

Witnessing Nature’s Harshness Firsthand

A hunter’s sadness over a temporarily depleted resource gives way to nature's reality.

Millennials On Safari

When promoting the joys of hunting, an African safari can be the affordable choice.

When to Follow a Wounded Game Animal

Responsibility, experience, good judgment determine how long to wait before tracking a wounded animal.

Are Deer Passing Bovine Tuberculosis to Hunters?

With about 2 percent of one Michigan herd infected, contracting TB is unlikely, if careful.

Hunters and Shooters Building Bridges with Hollywood contributor and producer kicks off inaugural Hollywood Celebrity Archery Shoot on Nov. 16.

Tally-Ho: The Hunt Continues with the Jack Russell Terrier

Anti-hunters killed the fox hunt here and in England, but this game dog still hunts.

Two Suspected Rhino Poachers Killed in Botswana

Supported by hunters’ dollars, anti-poaching efforts lead to taking out poachers in the Okavango Delta.

Virginia Hunters Raise $17,684.89 to Feed the Hungry

Virginia Hunters Who Care is just one example of hunters making the world better.

Explaining the Apollo 11 Moon Landing to Kenyans in 1969

An contributor shares how the historic event occurred while he was on safari.

“Trophy” Is Not a Four-Letter Word

A “trophy” is the memory of the experience and of those with whom you hunted.

Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species.

Just the Facts on Wolves and Coyotes

A recent Washington Post article on the predators serves up yet more fake news.

Antis Cry to Close Hunting As Grizzlies Expand Range

Wildlife officials confirm grizzly bear populations span from the wilderness to the farm.
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