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Identifying a Functional Hunting Scope for Less Money

Matching a scope to a rifle and hunting style costs less than newcomers may think.

USFWS Opens 1.4 Million Acres to Hunting and Fishing

This doubles the federal acreage made available to sportsmen over the past five years combined.

Hunting, Transplanting Needed to Cut Arizona Bison Population

Grand Canyon park officials say the burgeoning bison population may severely harm the landscape.

Research Shows Nonhunting Outdoor Enthusiasts Impact Wildlife

Hikers, campers, mountain bikers and the lot send wildlife fleeing.

NRA Site Matches Game Meat Donations with Needy

Have a tag to fill but can’t use the meat? Get paired with nearby hungry.

The Long History of Nonresident Hunting Licenses

Hunters ultimately overlook the hurdles of nonresident hunting licenses because our funding saves wildlife.

When the Hunter Is the Hunted

Vigilance and the right handgun can mean the difference between life and death.

“Trophy” Is Not a Four-Letter Word

A “trophy” is the memory of the experience and of those with whom you hunted.

How Effective Are You as a Hunting Mentor?

A memorable mentor will make the first-time-hunter feel welcomed into the community.

The Truth about Sen. Feinstein’s Latest Tweet

As millions of American hunters will attest, AR-style rifles are indeed for hunting.

Connecticut Rolls Out NRA-Based Whitetail Hunting Clinics

Adding regional specifics to NRA curricula creates tailor-made hunting programs.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool

Visit to stay on top of the hunting issues and share our stories.

Interior Secretary Seeks to Expand Hunting Opportunities

The NRA-backed proposal would open 1.4 million acres of public lands to hunting.

Workshop Teaches How to Successfully Debate Hunting

Tips from America’s No. 1 debate strategist pay dividends in seizing control of the narrative.

Botswana Lifts Hunting Ban

Elephants’ economic value to rural populations is now recognized in the African nation.

Granddaddy’s Guns

A cherished hunting relationship comes full circle as a grandson takes his grandfather afield.

The Hardest Thing of All to Explain About Hunting

Understanding our role in the cycle of life is part of being a hunter.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.
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