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NASCAR Great Jeff Hammond Leads Hunters to Donate Meat

The whir of engines is quieted by hunting and horses for this legendary crew chief.

Wild Fur: The Green Alternative to Fake Fur

Nothing works as well or is softer on the environment than wild fur.

Understanding Hounds, Hunters and the HSUS

To save legal, regulated hunting, we must take a stand to defend all of it.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

Connecticut Rolls Out NRA-Based Whitetail Hunting Clinics

Adding regional specifics to NRA curricula creates tailor-made hunting programs.

How a Hunting Trip Helped a Combat Veteran Heal

At Freedom Hunters it's not about the animal taken, but about the life saved.

USFWS Extends Comment Period for Delisting Gray Wolves

Look for anti-hunters to use Yellowstone wolf decline as excuse to not lift ESA protections.

Can Women Save Our Hunting Heritage By Themselves?

Females are more likely to pick up hunting, but can that stem the sport's decline?

Granddaddy’s Guns

A cherished hunting relationship comes full circle as a grandson takes his grandfather afield.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Event Kicks Off NRA Show in Indy

American hunters stand united on recruiting hunters into our way of life.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.

Elephant Stomps Out Poacher but Can’t Kill Illegal Trade is leading the fight against the escalating global poaching crisis.

Senate Committee Advances Bernhardt Nomination

The President’s pick to head the DOI moves to a full vote.

DOI’s Bernhardt Puts Public Lands Bill into Action

Infrastructure established to balance natural resources management with wildlife conservation.

PETA Did NOT Make Live-Skinning Video, Only Aired It

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum retracts story blaming PETA for filming animal torture.

A Hunter’s Duty Includes Leaving the Hunting Legacy Intact

Hunting’s life lessons provide much more than learning to become successful afield.

Brain Science Shows How Hunters Win or Lose at Survival

Your mind is either your greatest asset or your fiercest enemy when lost or challenged.

Acting DOI Secretary Continues Big Game Conservation Efforts

David Bernhardt announced that $1.5 million has been approved to benefit Western big game.

The Real Reason Behind the Jersey Circus Ban

The animal rights extremist agenda is to eat away at our hunting heritage.
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