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How Record Gun Sales Help Hunters

Here’s how hunters and non-hunters alike contribute to conservation.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

Voice of Leadership: Social Media Bullies Can Stunt Hunter Recruitment

Support of newcomers includes preparing them for peers’ negative comments.

The Citizen Conservation that Saved California Tule Elk

A German immigrant with a cattle empire was the first to conserve the species.

How Hunters Help Native Americans

A hunt on the Crow Creek Reservation shows just how hunters aid the community.

What Are Public-Land Advocates?

Rather than take public-land hunting opportunities for granted, help keep public lands public.

Gearing Up for the Hunt May Mean Gearing Down the Pack List

Don’t let “gearitis” weigh you down. Know when enough gear is enough.

East Coast, Multi-Game “Safaris” Offer Big Bang for the Buck

If COVID-19 put your safari plans on hold, head for the East Coast.

Animal Rightists’ “Stupid Humans” Comment on Social Media Falls Flat

Despite what extremists post on social media, it’s thanks to “stupid humans” that wildlife thrives.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.

NRA and Worldwide Trophy Adventures Help Hunters Ride out Pandemic

NRA Affinity partner WTA is helping hunters go afield here at home this fall. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

Colorado Hunting/Fishing License Needed to Enter State Wildlife Areas

On July 1, campers and backpackers will pay their share to access state wildlife areas.

Priceless Lessons Learned during the Pandemic

Passing on the hunting tradition to a grandchild strengthens bonds and provides immeasurable rewards.

Are We Telling Non-Hunters the Right Story?

When someone asks why you hunt, what do you tell them?

Wisconsin Hunters Vote No to Deer Season Change, Yes to Bear Season

Sidestepping COVID-19 risks, the state conducted annual meetings with hunters online.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

Make a Hunt Reservation to Go Native This Fall

American Indian reservations offer great hunting and welcome hunters’ dollars.

What Hunters Can Do During Coronavirus Quarantine

Here’s a to-do list for hunters who find they have extra time on their hands.
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