
Your search for big game hunting matched article(s).
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Religions of the World Support Hunting

Most all religions support ethical hunting and honor animals taken through ritual and prayer.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.

NRA 2019: Another Year of Working for American Hunters

This year reported on 10 "wins" that the NRA secured for American hunters.

Accepting the Challenge of Handgun Hunting

A journey into the handgun arena has delivered hunting excitement and personal rewards.

New Beginnings: A First-Year Hunter’s Journey

As his family had done for generations, a father watches his son become a hunter.

Trinity Oaks: Providing Positive Outdoor Experiences to Those in Need

This Texas-based organization is yet another example of how sportsmen give back to their communities.

Trump Taps First African American to Lead USFWS

Aurelia Skipwith stands to continue the Trump administration’s aim of balanced wildlife management.

104-Year-Old Woman Takes First Buck

Has there ever been a better story showcasing hunting as a precious, all-American tradition?

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Millennials On Safari

When promoting the joys of hunting, an African safari can be the affordable choice.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

When to Follow a Wounded Game Animal

Responsibility, experience, good judgment determine how long to wait before tracking a wounded animal.

24 Lions: One Year Later

Mozambique’s hunter-funded wildlife conservation wins prove how legal, regulated hunting benefits all.

Hunters and Shooters Building Bridges with Hollywood contributor and producer kicks off inaugural Hollywood Celebrity Archery Shoot on Nov. 16.

NRA Employees Celebrate Hunting at Wild Game Luncheon

NRA Hunter Services treated co-workers to a free venison lunch at NRA headquarters.

Crossbows Deliver Bucks without the “Bang”

Crossbows are a great way to break into archery while extending your hunting seasons.

Celebrate America’s National Wildlife Refuge Week, Oct. 13-19

Enjoy world-class recreation and see the protection of our lands by visiting a wildlife refuge.

ATA Initiative Promotes Bowhunting, Reduces Barriers to Entry

The ATA is working with state wildlife agencies to make equipment regulations consistent nationwide.
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