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NRA Cancels Annual Meeting in Nashville Due to Coronavirus

The announcement comes as Tennessee declares a state of emergency.

Dick’s Sporting Goods to Yank Hunting Gear from 400-Plus Stores

Will hunters stop buying their other sporting goods from Dick’s?

How Much Meat Should You Take from Your Harvests?

The author looks at the ethics and legalities of processing nature’s finest protein.

NRA Launches Free Online Refresher Hunter Ed Course

Hunter safety and training are lifelong pursuits as seasoned hunters focus on being safe afield.

Isle Royale National Park Is Epicenter of Ongoing Wolf-Moose Study

Spanning decades, the study continues to help scientists understand predator-prey relationships.

Why Hunters Need U.S. Customs Form 4457 When Hunting Abroad

Register your equipment in advance so you pay no duty on it when returning home.

Experts Say Prevention Is Key in Fighting Coronavirus

Check out Vaccines on the Go for updates in preventing diseases impacting traveling hunters.

Texas Bolstering Deer Populations after 2019 Anthrax Outbreak

State wildlife biologists transplant deer to areas impacted areas by last summer’s anthrax outbreak.

When Hunting with Kids, A Deer's Age Isn't Everything

A 5-year-old boy teaches his father a lesson in the joys of hunting.

Katharine MacGregor Confirmed as Deputy Secretary of The Interior

NRA-ILA lauded MacGregor’s deep knowledge of public resource management.

USFWS Proposes Including Hunting on Duck Stamp

Artists would be required to represent hunting’s contribution to waterfowl conservation.

Why NSSF Created the Partner with a Payer Initiative

This program builds relationships between wildlife agencies and the firearms industry.

USFWS Requests Public Input on Increasing Access to Federal Lands

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking sportsmen’s requests to heart.

Turkey “Reaping” Safety Tips for Every Turkey Hunter

The NRA urges hunters to take extra safety precautions when using this technique.

Interior Secretary Pledges Commitment to Sportsmen at Hunting Expo

As one of us, DOI Secretary David Bernhardt is making sportsmen’s priorities his own.

NRA’s Susan Hayes Wins SCI Diana Award

Amid family and business demands, this world-class hunter is committed to advancing hunting.

Pa. Legislators Recognized for Hard Work on Sunday Hunting

NRA-ILA presents awards to those who led the charge to secure Sunday hunting.

NSSF Video Shows Sportsmen Contributed $13B to Wildlife Conservation

Watch the video for proof that hunters remain the No. 1 funders of wildlife conservation.

Trump Jr. Shines at SCI Show, Raises $340K for Conservation

NRA and SCI members gave a standing ovation to the hunter who rallied the troops.

MLB and NFL Standouts Stand Up for Hunting at SCI Show

David Wells, Brad Penny and Adam Vinatieri share their love of hunting and wildlife conservation.
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