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Isle Royale National Park Is Epicenter of Ongoing Wolf-Moose Study

Spanning decades, the study continues to help scientists understand predator-prey relationships.

Texas Bolstering Deer Populations after 2019 Anthrax Outbreak

State wildlife biologists transplant deer to areas impacted areas by last summer’s anthrax outbreak.

When Hunting with Kids, A Deer's Age Isn't Everything

A 5-year-old boy teaches his father a lesson in the joys of hunting.

Interior Secretary Pledges Commitment to Sportsmen at Hunting Expo

As one of us, DOI Secretary David Bernhardt is making sportsmen’s priorities his own.

NRA’s Susan Hayes Wins SCI Diana Award

Amid family and business demands, this world-class hunter is committed to advancing hunting.

Tracked By a Cougar

Imagine the feeling when cougar tracks begin to mingle with yours in the fresh-fallen snow.

NSSF Video Shows Sportsmen Contributed $13B to Wildlife Conservation

Watch the video for proof that hunters remain the No. 1 funders of wildlife conservation.

Trump Jr. Shines at SCI Show, Raises $340K for Conservation

NRA and SCI members gave a standing ovation to the hunter who rallied the troops.

MLB and NFL Standouts Stand Up for Hunting at SCI Show

David Wells, Brad Penny and Adam Vinatieri share their love of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Majesty Outdoors’ Tide Changers Program Mentors at-Risk Youth

The group’s SCI show seminar promotes providing hope and mentoring through traditional outdoor sports.

SCI Show Showcases Hunting History at Rigby Booth

Iconic gunmaker Rigby is one of 50 world-class makers exhibiting at the SCI Convention.

Hunters Urged to Seize Control of the Narrative at SCI Show

From SCI to the NRA, hunter-backed wildlife conservation groups must seize control of hunting's story.

Shooting Clubs Benefit from NRA Club Connection Magazine

NRA-affiliated clubs and associations can apply for NRA grants and get range advice.

Florida Steps Up Python Removal with Increased Incentives

More prizes and more paid hunters are helping to eradicate the invasive snake.

USFWS Director Pledges to Fight for Sportsmen at Hunters’ Convention

The USFWS’ Aurelia Skipwith stands with hunters in touting common-sense, science-based wildlife management.

Benelli Releases Wolf on SHOT Show Floor in Las Vegas

Of course, that’s wolf as in “Lupo”—Benelli’s first-ever rifle—that’s making hunting headlines this week.

Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture Host Fireside Chat

The gathering shed light on the Trump administration’s progress in expanding opportunities for hunters.

Hunter Finds Human Remains in Arizona Wilderness

From drug trafficking to illegal immigration, hunting along the Mexican border calls for extra precautions.

Hunters to Help Cut Elk Numbers in S.D. National Park

Hunters aid science-based wildlife management to stem CWD at Wind Cave National Park.

Kicking Bear Enhances Rehabilitating Veteran’s Life

Sometimes, the mentor is the one who finds healing when least expected.
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