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Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture Host Fireside Chat

The gathering shed light on the Trump administration’s progress in expanding opportunities for hunters.

Religions of the World Support Hunting

Most all religions support ethical hunting and honor animals taken through ritual and prayer.

Hunters to Help Cut Elk Numbers in S.D. National Park

Hunters aid science-based wildlife management to stem CWD at Wind Cave National Park.

Kicking Bear Enhances Rehabilitating Veteran’s Life

Sometimes, the mentor is the one who finds healing when least expected.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.

NRA 2019: Another Year of Working for American Hunters

This year reported on 10 "wins" that the NRA secured for American hunters.

California Dreaming Marks Nightmare for Hunting, Conservation

State’s extremist “dream” gun-control legislation hurts hunters and the environment.

Indiana R3 Efforts Creating Hunters, Trappers and Shooters

Three-to-six-month programs ensure engagement while imparting hunter skills.

104-Year-Old Woman Takes First Buck

Has there ever been a better story showcasing hunting as a precious, all-American tradition?

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.

Millennials On Safari

When promoting the joys of hunting, an African safari can be the affordable choice.

Are Deer Passing Bovine Tuberculosis to Hunters?

With about 2 percent of one Michigan herd infected, contracting TB is unlikely, if careful.

24 Lions: One Year Later

Mozambique’s hunter-funded wildlife conservation wins prove how legal, regulated hunting benefits all.

NRA Employees Celebrate Hunting at Wild Game Luncheon

NRA Hunter Services treated co-workers to a free venison lunch at NRA headquarters.

R3 Programs Evolving, Expanding Nationwide

Bolstering the national R3 movement, numerous states now underscore hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation.

Camp Freedom Helps the Disabled Enjoy Hunting and Shooting

Thanks to an NRA Board member’s purchase of 1,800 acres, disabled sportsmen enjoy free adventures.

DSC Foundation Videos Explain Why Hunting Is Conservation

The series educates viewers on hunting’s critical role in African wildlife conservation.

The Economic Impact of Hunting: Significant and Growing!

A government report cites that hunting and trapping generate $6.709 billion—annually.

USFWS Opens 1.4 Million Acres to Hunting and Fishing

This doubles the federal acreage made available to sportsmen over the past five years combined.
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